Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Fourth Secret.

Embrace Silence is the fourth Secret. Wayne Dyer talks about the value of Silence. He talks about the monentary silence in the space between your thoughts that you can become aware, of if you practice. It is here that you will find peace. Do you know that the average person has around 60,000 separate thoughts in a day - Wow!!!! I know somedays this must be even more. "I have to do the dishes, the laundry, take the kids to school, fetch them, get to work, what to wear, what to eat"............ and so it goes from the moment we wake.

Now I love his idea that if we can merge into that silence, that single gap, between thoughts we can connect to our Source and find the peace that some people call God. Psalms of the Old Testament says "Be still and know that I am God" Still means silence, still means stop thinking.

Another wonderful way of looking at the silence is the space between the notes of music. Without the space it would be one continuous cacophony of sound. Each note emerges from the silence, not from the noise.

I love the silence of my home, I seldom have a radio on when I am alone. Of course sometimes I enjoy the most amazing music and it lights up my soul, or I watch a bit of TV. But I often work in silence. The problem is that often that silence is filled with the noise of my very, very busy 60,000 thoughts.

Meditation is very difficult for most people. The moment you try to still your mind, thoughts pop in. I guess the idea is that we keep practicing and try and find the space between the thoughts. Focus on a phrase or a word and allow that to help you. Ritualised prayer helps many, especially when said slowly and with feeling. It is not the words, but the spaces that create the connection and the peace.

I guess the other idea is that when you have peace and silence in your soul you radiate a different kind of energy. It creates a shield around you that deflects negative energies. Remember, you attract what you give out! (Secret No 3).

Answers also come from silence, so if you have a problem don't worry it with thousands of thoughts, give it to silence and allow the silence to inspire and heal you.

Nature also is filled with silence! Now for all of us who are waking at 4.45am to the sound of the Dawn Chorus, I am sure that is not very helpful and does not seem true. But when you are out in Nature and you breathe with the planet, taking away all the noises we make to fill the void that we are afraid to experience, we are fulfilled. We are re-energised. Remember that day at the beach or in the forest, up a mountain or when you stood in silence and awe at Nature around you. I always feel like I am drinking in the sights and sounds and filling not my stomach or my mind, but my soul.

I hope this little post helps you find the silence you need for your life. Thanks again to this amazing book and many others which are helping me grow and find a new Me, no I think it is just allowing the true Me to finally emerge unafraid and powerful.

Have a wonderful day.



Anonymous said...

Silence is Golden! LoL I think you are so right and it is so difficult to acheive silence is such as busy world. Fom the cars that run by, to the different tvs playing all at once it seems almost impossible to acheive silence. I think you are right in say it would by wonderful if we all try find even a moment of silence to reflect.

Anonymous said...

Some of my most pleasurable moments have been walking in the National Parks, the silence is quite overwhelming and then there is a rustle of a leaf falling, a bird quietly chirping and somehow these noises do not disturb the silence. I like you very seldom have my music on, I am happy and content to work away quietly on whatever task I have. Like you though the music can inspire me.

Anonymous said...

Silence allows me to reall Be ME ... it is the time that I connect with All That Is and the time when I feel renewed. Silence and Stillness - what an Empowering Combination. :)