Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Did anyone notice that last year was one second longer? I heard that we were getting one extra second added to the year, to keep the world in time! It made me wonder about time and how we perceive it. As a child a single day can seem like a lifetime and a year - well that is an eternity!

Years lasted forever, they started just after Christmas and the New Year and really got going when we went and got our new school shoes and lunch boxes. As Mom started covering school books and buying our new school uniforms for the year, we realised that the year was well on the way.

Then of course the first day of school. For me this coincided often with my birthday, so it was a sweet/sad moment. Holidays were over but being one of those strange children who loved school, I was always happy to head out in my new shiny shoes back to school!

Time was ruled by Monday-Friday weeks and then the end of each term. A holiday to set our body clocks to. My life still runs by the school year and last year for the first time with Elizabeth at University I realised how much things would change once all three no longer were at school.

Mid-year came along with cooler weather and then living in the Southern Hemisphere, soon the spring flowers and blossoming warmth of Spring. As the end of each approached it was signalled by study, exams and of course all the Christmas preparations.

Time itself was not significant, I guess it still isn't? Each day is and can be the same as the day before, what makes it different is what we do with that day. Is it a work/school day? Or a festival or celebration day? A weekend or a holiday?

Today is no different to yesterday, it has the same amount of hours and yet we celebrate it as a new beginning - New Year's Day!

My thought through all this musing is this:

Chose to live each day as a celebration, it is your life gift! Count it as your blessing and know that when you lay your head down to sleep at the end of it, you have lived a special day!

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