Friday, January 2, 2009

Today's post is late - I know!

Christmas is over and all the decorations are packed away! It normally takes at least 2-3 days to put everything up and lots of days to get it all away, but with a lot of hard work, lots of help from Matthew, Sarah and Ivan we have even got our lounge back clean and tidy and this is such a lovely feeling.

I love having my house decorated for all of December, but I always feel that the New Year has finally begun, once the tree is down and everything cleared away.

Today I counted my second Blissing, yesterday I celebrated ME! I decided that without Me, my life would not exist, so in order to do a Blissings Album, I would need a photo of me. Today the photo that I have taken is of my beautiful home, in the form of my tidy and clean lounge. To acknowledge the hard work, but also the beauty and pleasure of my home.

Are you counting your Blissings? It doesn't have to be a huge project like our 365 photo album, but each day, find something to acknowledge the gift of your life and count your blissings!

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