Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One week to go!

Today is December 17th and when we wake up a week from today it will be Christmas Eve. In so many ways this is the most special day of the year. Of course it doesn't really beat Christmas Day, but I love the anticipation the most. The idea that 'tomorrow is Christmas' is just delicious.

Normally Ivan works for a half-day on Christmas Eve, but this year he is going to be home with us, having started his leave on Friday. Our first chore of the day will be to drop Elizabeth off at work, yes she is working. For the newsagent it will be a busy day of last minute shopping! She does however, finish at 3.00pm to allow her to join in our festivities.

Then Ivan and I will slip through to the butcher to pick up the two Turkeys we have ordered. One is for Christmas dinner and the other will stay in the freezer and we will have it on New Year's Eve. I will have made sure that I have all the groceries, so that we can avoid the shops, but I am sure there will be something that I will have forgotten.

We will pick up a few bags of ice for the eskies and all beer, wine and soft drinks will be moved out of the fridges, to make space for food.

Between Ivan and I we will peel all the veges for Christmas dinner, including a huge pile of potatoes (he is Irish). I will make the bread crumbs for the stuffing and also the brandy butter for the Christmas pudding.

We will tidy up the house and the patio, doing last minute chores and then indulge in some swimming and games with the children.

Christmas Eve, Mom and Dad will come up and we will share a BBQ or a light supper and spend a few hours around the tree, sharing laughs and stories. I will read "The Night before Christmas" now 3 versions. The traditional one, the Aussie one and a beautiful African version my brother sent me a couple of years ago.

The children will place their gifts under the tree and then I will send them to bed, hopefully to fall asleep before midnight, because we all know that Santa does not call at houses where children are awake. Oh yes, I forgot- the children will also put out Christmas mince pies and a beer! We have no alcohol restrictions in this house and Santa we are sure gets very tired of milk.

I am getting so excited, as we only have one week to wait. I wonder what your traditions are for Christmas Eve and day. Whatever you have planned I wish you the wonder of Christmas.

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