Friday, February 6, 2009


I wrote this morning about being so busy and feeling daunted and then afterwards, I had the silence of the house and my own thoughts and instead of letting them run riot and randomly as they have been doing for days and weeks now; I decided to focus on one thing only at a time.

I achieved so much! Instead of continually flitting from thought to thought, I just focused in on the things I wanted to achieve. I did my washing, hung it out and that was completed. I finished the 'small' (for a change) pile of ironing and put it all away. I then came to the computer and instead of flitting from area to area in the university system, I focused on reading the notes for my first lecture on religion. Some of it I did not understand, but instead of being distracted and going off on a tangent, I decided to just keep reading, completing the 12 pages of an academic journal and guess what I understood most of it. WOW!

I sent off an email to my lecturer and have even received a reply which has set my mind at rest for the end of semester, so now can enter joyously into the whole course and achieved the rest of my goals for the day.

I even managed to sort and print the photos for my blissings album and Elizabeth's birthday. So all in all I have had an amazing day.

Probably on the whole a lot more busy than most days, but unlike yesterday when most of my busy-ness was taken up with worry, planning, more worry and procrastination, today I achieved by focused thought.

Just thought I would share, hope you all have sucessfully busy days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this Bev. Well done. More often than not I achieve nothing either through procrastination or feeling overwhelmed. Need to cultivate the habit of just relaxing and putting the mind at ease and as you say focus on one thing at a time. Good for you. Good luck with the studying. Sounds like you've made a good start.