Sunday, May 8, 2011

This is the reason that I get to celebrate Mother's Day

My stunning Mother.
My lovely Mom is my special friend; she is always here for me and over the years we have shared so many good times, a few bad and some amazing adventures together.

I know that when I call out - she is always there.  She has taught me to be the mother that I am today. I know that her example in life is why I am happy - as she always says "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again."  Yes, Mom it still irritates me - but I do just that.

Tonight she is hosting our lovely Mother's Day dinner, she has invited us down to share a Roast Pork, her yummy roast potatoes and veges - Yumm - (She makes the best roast dinner in the world)

So today instead of celebrating my own Motherhood and my beautiful children, I am proud to share my Mother with you all. She is the BEST.

Mother and Daughter
 I am looking a little worse for wear, ready for work, while my stunning Mother glows beside me.
Something to read

1 comment:

Mom said...

Oh dear me, now you are making me cry, It was the greatest day of my life when both you and Ian became part of my life. The joy you have both given me during these past years can not be described, and to someone who has not by either choice, or great sadness in not being able to be a mother, it is the most wonderful feeling ever. Thanks for such lovely presents and also a big thank you to Elizabeth who has taken such love photos. May you and I have many more happy Mother's Days, and I just wish I was close enough to share this special day with Ian and family. I have seen you over the past few days become your Father's apprentice and you are doing a great job.