Sunday, July 10, 2011

Age and Recovery

Oh boy!  I am feeling my age - it is taking me much longer than anticipated to recover from this surgery.  I am used to my body obeying me in most things, but as I approach the Big 50 - I am realising if I want the same responses as in my 20's and 30's I am going to have to take a lot more care of it.

I have been one of the most blessed people in the world, I have always been able to eat anything and pay too much attention to this amazing house in which I reside; BUT over the last 6 - 12 months I have begun feeling the difference.

My body is giving me a strong message :

Feed me properly (otherwise we will pile on the kilos and make you have your gallbladder out)
Exercise (otherwise we will pile on the kilos and cause aches and pains)
Rest (otherwise you won't have any energy)

So I am slowly recovering; feeling a lot better each day and eating healthy.

Will follow all orders to take it slowly from friends and family :)

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