Monday, March 22, 2010

An inspirational quote

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." - Annie Dillard (American poet)

My circle of Women calendar which sits on my desk provides me with some lovely ideas and quotes and today's quote got me thinking.

I have always been a believer that at the end of each day we should be able to say I have lived my life to the full and should I not wake tomorrow I will have no regrets. In recent times it has been harder to live up to this motto, but today I can see just a little clearer.

A lifetime is made up of small, individual days. A journey, even a life journey, begins with a single step and to try and perfect an entire life is to hard. So strive for just one good day, or even one good hour and build on top of those and before you know it the balance sheet will be positive.

Today despite chaos and problems, I focussed on solving each problem, one at a time. I didn't worry about the whole picture and now at the end of the day I feel as though it has been a successful day.

'How I spent today?' - well I spent it solving problems, little problems which have all added up to a successful day.

1 comment:

Mom said...

One should not start a sentence with the word AND,
but here goes a sentence.

AND you did a great job of solving all the problems, from the pool to the car and so on. You sometimes do not realise what a wonder woman you are, there are so many things thrown your way and you cope so well (you might not think you do) but I do believe that you cope very well indeed and are always there for everyone, sometimes to the detriment of yourself. I suppose you and I are two peas in a pod. !!
I for one most certainly make every moment of every day count, as at the ripe age of 66
I most certainly need to enjoy life