Friday, December 23, 2011

Only 2 sleeps to go!

 All of my Christmas wrapping is completed and I am so excited to give the gifts that I have chosen for everyone - finding that special something is wonderful and the feeling of Joy on Christmas morning when you watch the face of your loved one as they open the gift - is beyond special.
 There are gifts beneath the tree - some for the neighbours and some that we will open on Christmas Eve - it is our tradition to open gifts from friends at this time, so they can be appreciated.
And of course the Nativity scene is waiting for us to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus - 'Away in a Manger' is one of my favourite Christmas hymns and it reminds us that this is a celebration of a wonderful tradition passed down to us from the Three Wise Men who came bearing gifts.

My gift and wish for you all is a Joyful Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Such beautiful photos, certainly helps get into the mood, what a great idea of putting the beautiful wooden cross that Dad made for you by your Nativity Scene, had better go and get my one off the wall and do the same, thanks for the idea. ONLY 2 MORE SLEEPS!!!!!