Monday, March 3, 2014

Not feeling too good!

It has been a little while since I updated my blog - the reason - I haven't been too well.

After a couple of weeks off from my treatment I went in again on Tuesday - about halfway through the chemo I developed a severe headache and by the end - felt quite nauseous despite 4 different anti-emetics.  By the time I got home the vomiting started and eventually at 7pm - Ivan had to take me into hospital.  Eighteen bouts of vomiting later, three new forms of anti-emetic, morphine for the headache and they decided to knock me out and admit me into the ward.

I spent Wednesday and Thursday in hospital connected to a saline drip with medication to control the vomiting and finally was released on Friday morning. It has been a rough road even since then. Normally, I am up and about by Saturday or Sunday at the latest, but today I had to have another day in bed.

Not sure what is happening, but am certain that another three months of this is going to be challenging.

My oncologist has made the decision to admit me to hospital for a PET and CT scan on Tuesday 11th March and then keep me in hospital for my next round of chemotherapy - so next week will be spent in the Wesley Hospital. 

Not the most upbeat and positive of posts, but really want to keep my blog updated and honest - life is full of ups and downs and looking back over time, to read the downs - makes the ups look really good. 


darlin said...

Beverly you are such an amazing lady, I'm sending you all the positive energies I can muster up and huge hugs sent your way as well. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs sent your way from across the pond my friend.

Red said...

You're going through a rough time. It sounds like they are trying to do something to make it easier. I hope it works.