Saturday, February 27, 2010

Softball Sarah

Joy today was watching Sarah at another Softball game. Granny and Granddad came along to the home game to support Sarah and I think they both enjoyed the game.

Sarah batted really well, scoring twice for her team. She was caught out on first base on one occasion, but in doing so, the team got another runner home. So it was a good sacrifice. Unfortunately, they lost to St Pauls 14-10, but the result did not reflect the fantastic game played by all the girls.

The Joy of today was watching my lovely little girl who has always hated sport, flourish and enjoy playing with her teammates and improving week after week.

Go for it Sarah.


darlin said...

Sounds fantastic, way to go Sarah!

Granny & Grandad said...

We had a great time watching Sarah, she did very well and those lovely long legs went into overdrive running from base to base. Go Girl.