Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Girls went shopping

Mom, Elizabeth and I had a morning out shopping.

It was so fun for the three of us to hit the shops today. Poor Mom is looking for a pair of shoes that she can fit her orthotics into. What a job! It is a total nightmare for her, but without these orthotics she wouldn't be walking. So although it is frustrating for her she is also grateful for the healing they have given her.

Unfortunately, her search led Elizabeth and I to buy 2 pairs of shoes each.
Elizabeth needed a new pair of work shoes (2nd on the right) and then fell in love with the high heel black shoes (very right hand pair).

The two pairs on the left are mine. I love the brown pair (2nd on the left) ideal for uni with jeans and then the black high heels were just an indulgence, but then shoes are just my weakness. I felt amazing in them.


Mom said...

You sure do take after your Grandmother Beverly. She loved shows and each and every pair was kept in the boxes to protect them. Pity she did not live long enough to both wear them and also to see you and your beautiful daughter

Mom said...

oops meant SHOES. It has been one of those days.

Beverly said...

Yes, I am like her, because all mine are also in boxes to protect and keep them clean. Now I just have to wear them all!

Jenny Adams said...

I'm lovin' the shoes... my mum has all hers in their boxes too - not something I copied, but my eldest has every pair of shoes in boxes and written on the outside with a marker what they are - yes her first real full time job was in a shoe shop!!!