Monday, May 27, 2013

Mid-life crises and all that stuff

I wonder if it is acceptable to have more than one mid-life crises.  I had one a few years ago and at the time decided it was time for me to return to my studies at university.  As such I completed a full year of study - over 2 years and then family and health, meant that I put it all aside.  It is still something I am contemplating returning to, to fill my days with learning and the power of inspiration.

But . . . after 6 months of focussing on my health and getting better . . . I am now on the verge of another mid-life crises.

I don't know what I want to do.  There are many things I have to do.  I still have a lovely home to look after, a garden that needs heaps of TLC, 2 adults and 1 teenage child that still need my love and attention and a husband who needs my support and let's not forget my parents - independent as you are.

But. . .  all of these things are not really for me . . . they are duty things. 

I have my writing, my novel and other writings, but . . . what is the purpose of that.  My first book was good and the second I know is just as good, if not better. But, what does it all mean?

So where am I heading?  I don't know?  Just meandering and wandering at the moment, maybe the path will flow out ahead of me, with a big signpost - saying 'Take Me!' 

I hope so.


Davine said...

Put it out there to the universe Beverley and the answer will come to you.

Mom said...

Keep up the good work on your books, Don't worry about it being a mid life crises, we are undergoing one in our old age. so am sure there are still many to come. What to do ? too much to do, too little to do and so the cycle goes on, as you say lots of things need doing but whatever we achieve it seems as if we have done nothing. Everything seems to be a waste of time. Hang in there, you need time now to heal externally as you have fought so hard to give your internal body the chance to heal itself with you helping it on its way, and as you have put so much energy into the past year, am sure that the next 6 months of 2013 will be healing time for your heart, soul and body

darlin said...

Beverly have you ever thought that you are doing exactly what it is meant to be? Sure there are the what if's, what if I do this, what if I do that, but in the interim days pass by and what are we left with besides the what ifs... if we choose not to act. My biggest suggestion is to follow your heart, what is meant to be will be and allow it to happen. I like what Davine said, put it out there to the universe and listen for the answers.

I hope you find peace and your answers.

Anonymous said...

You're always going to get the same advice from me ...go for it. Going back to school takes your mind off some of the daily things that get in the way. sometimes people take advantage of you if they think you are always available.

Beverly said...

Thank you everyone for your wise advice.
Davine, think I might follows yours.