Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Celebrating the end of a journey

Elizabeth and I started my chemotherapy journey together six months ago. As we sat together at that first appointment, while they tried unsuccessfully to insert my portocath - my brave and amazing daughter has been by my side. 

To celebrate the end, she bought me this beautiful yellow crystal rose for my collection. Yellow Roses - the symbol of friendship.  Elizabeth you are my daughter, my friend and my rock!  I love you.

 Celebration dinner with Matthew and Elizabeth - no more chemotherapy.

The last three tablets - after 669 tablets.

 The joy of taking those very last tablets - an empty box - all over.  Now time to regain energy and enjoy life.
Thank you everyone for your love and your support.


Unknown said...

Beverly, I may have physically missed a lot of your incredible journey but have been with you in spirit.
I hope this is a final chapter for you and that from now on your health booms out.
Beautiful Rose and beautiful daughter!

Red said...


Beverly said...

Thank you to you both - Mark and Red.