Thursday, November 26, 2009

Poetry Grade

I received an email from a friend this morning to say we could collect our poetry portfolios. I then checked my grades online and am so thrilled to let you all know that I received a Distinction '6' for the course.
My actual portfolio only received 66% which is a little disapointing, so I will be glad to collect it and hopefully learn from the comments. This however, does not diminish my delight in my overall grade, which is the only one that actually counts.

Now I only have to wait for my English results which should be out on Wednesday 2nd.

On the writing front I had an amazing day yesterday with 5722 words. Total so far is 38 376 words, really on the countdown now with just 11 624 words to write. The end is in sight.


Mom said...

Well done Beverly, that is fantastic news, am sure you can't wait for all the other results then you can put everything to the back of your mind for a month or so. Congratulations

Beverly said...

Thank you Mom, for your wishes. I have loved this year and the joy of learning is well and truly with me now.