Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Story is coming along well, word count is up to 7388 words, averaging 2462 words per day, I only need 1666 so am storing up a few extra every day in case I have a bad one.

The joy of this project is that I can be as verbose (meaning wordy) as I wish. I need the extra words. The story is really flowing and at the end of the month, I might have something special.


darlin said...

I am sure that you will have a special story. What a fun project to tackle, I'd love to be able to write and say whatever my heart desired. I think that once this formal education has been completed that I am going to take a writing class after I settle into a job.

Are you going to post your story here? I'd love to read it when I can squeeze it in.

You are totally inspiring Beverly!

Michelle said...

So, when are we going to get another 'morsel' to read?

Congrats on flowing so beautifully with the writing, Bev.