Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blissing for Wednesday

Yesterday was my very long day at University and I arrived home at 9pm, tired yet exhilarated. Matthew was down with Granny and Grandad, Ivan away and Sarah at camp. The house was all tidy and when I walked into my room, I discovered my bed all turned down and ready - courtesy of my beautiful 15 year old son. What a wonderful Blissing!

I had an amazing day at University, my first lecture was really interesting and I used the tutorial hour to do some reading and preparation. I then met up with Elizabeth and Lucas for an hours chat over lunch, before heading to a quiet study room I had booked for 2 hours. Elizabeth worked on her Ancient History essay and I completed my 'Meditation & Soul Journey' tutorial task (which was due on Friday).

We then went to our Creative Writing lecture. It was fantastic. The lecture is interesting, funny and easy to listen to. This was followed by our first tutorial. Our tutor has just completed her PhD and is heading to New York for a post-doc. She was fun and enthusiastic and we had such a great group of people, all willing to share and laugh. When she said it was time to head home, I felt almost sad that it was over, although it was not 8pm and my brain was shutting down.

The day flowed really well with lots of success. Small improvements for next week. We need to take more food and a small cooler box to keep our drinks cold. We need to eat supper before our lecture. (I found trying to eat supper at 9pm really hard). Other than that a successful day.

Today I am off to source a new printer, mine has died! Then back to Uni for a lecture on World Religions.

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