Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Tree. Oh Christmas Tree.

December 1st - Although we only arrived home on November 30th and were all a little tired from the jet lag, we decided to tidy the house and put up the tree.  It is great to have decorations up and enjoy the magic of the season.

With everyone up early and working hard on chores, we managed to get the tree and some decorations up early in the day.

Putting up the tree

I think this one goes here

Patrick and Sarah deciding where the branches fit.

Sarah looking stunning in her new top

The kids are never too old for a chocolate Christmas Advent calendar

Ivan putting the Angel on the tree

And there she is - all dressed up for Christmas

A salute from the Nutcrackers.

1 comment:

Red said...

You know how to have fun putting up the tree. I put the tree up. and then i leave and my wife puts on the decorations!