Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Baking Day

Although I am still struggling with my sore throat; today was Christmas Baking Day.

It was a very, very hot day and I struggled with the pastry today, even working with it straight from the fridge - it was so soft; but we had lots of fun and managed to make around ten dozen Christmas Mince pies.

Olivia joined Elizabeth, Sarah and I in our Christmas Baking

Sarah in her new glasses and Christmas Apron

Pastry rolling in the heat - a challenge

Yummy fudge and Christmas Mince pies


Unknown said...

Scrumptious! And tell Sarah, I love her new glasses - really suit her. Very nice!

Mom said...

Yummy, when can I come for tea. !!!!

Try and rest up a bit more please, otherwise you are going to be sick for a long time.

Mom said...

Hi everyone out in the cyber world that follow Beverly's blog, the poor girl is not at all well with suspected Whooping cough, there has been quite a lot of older people (sorry for that comment Beverly) that have suffered with Whooping cough recently. Apparently not many parents taking the precaution of having their kids vacinated against this probem. She is exhausted with the coghing so we are all sending lots of good wishes to her.