Saturday, March 19, 2011

I feel complete

As many of you have followed the saga of my wedding ring loss - I thought I would share my joy with you.

My beautiful husband, today took me to the shops and bought me a new ring. It is very, very similar to my original ring - perhaps a little wider - but oh so pretty!

I didn't want to wear it from the shop, so we drove to our local church - St Paul's Anglican Cathedral in Ipswich and in the grounds, near a beautiful yellow rose - Ivan placed it on my finger. We had hoped to go inside together but, like so many churches nowdays it was all locked up.  So we stood in the drizzling rain, and shared a very private special moment.

I feel complete again. My nails which have all been broken since I lost my ring, will re-grow back and I feel a sense of peace and joy.


darlin said...

Awww, what a darling husband you have, you're both so blessed to have one another. I'm so happy for you Beverly! Cheers!

Michelle said...

What a lovely ceremony, Beverly. I'm so glad you have a new ring. Congratulations to you both.