Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to Me!
We celebrated Mother's Day in Matthew's room this year, as he is really sick the flu (no not swine flu) just the yucky ordinary flu. He has been really sick, running temperatures of plus 38 degrees since Friday and yesterday (Sunday) over 39 degrees. We finally called in the doctor, who prescribed antibiotics. This morning he still has a plus 38 degree temp, but is finally managing to eat a little.
Now onto Mother's day. I received a beautiful bunch of flowers, some chocolates and a box-set of 5 Nora Roberts books. Thank you children! I then spent the rest of the day doing ordinary - Mother things like cleaning, cooking and ironing. What's New!

I did have the joy however, of taking this beautiful photo of my Sarah playing the piano. She is so talented and plays really well. I had a few tears in my eyes as I listened to her play. I kept thinking how much my Grandad (whose piano it was) would have loved her to bits.
Mom and I shared a hug and I bought her a new pretty tea mug, but we lost the Sunday with Matthew being so sick. We are lucky however, in that we can share Mother/Daughter time anyday that we want, living so close.

Happy Mother's Day to all Mother's around the world!

1 comment:

darlin said...

You are one blessed lady Beverly! Even with a sick child it still sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I love the photo of you and your Mom, that is so special!