Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sharing and receiving Joy

Simply Angels...Pay it forward!

My lovely friend Michelle has started an amazing idea that we are going to spread joy to the world. She has been doing this for a few years now first with her newsletter JoyExpress and then her website JoyExpress. Both of which uplift the soul and inspire all of us who read it.

Now we are starting a new idea.

Simply Angels … Pay it Forward
Each Tuesday, I am going to send a card to someone. Inside that card will be a positive and uplifting message. My Intention is that the person receiving the card will Feel So Good that they will want to SHARE the JOY and, in turn, send a card to someone. And, that person will Feel So Good that they will want to SHARE the JOY and, in turn, send a card. And so on.

Have you ever opened your postbox and there is something special and uplifting, it lights up the whole world just for those few moments? To know that there is someone out there that is thinking of you and wants you to feel special.

Today is November 11th, when we take one minute in our busy lives to remember all those who have lost theirs to give us our freedom. Today instead of only remembering those that have been lost, focus on the true spirit of remembrance and change the world, with thoughts of love and peace to all. Spread the joy, not the hate!

We can change the world, one step, one thought, one word and one deed at a time. Tuesdays are special because Angels all over the world will be sending out Joy.

If you would like to join our Simply Angels - Pay it forward, just send me an email; put your name in my "Pay it forward jar" or start your own wonderful special card day.

I hope today you experience the Joy of Angels and Joyful thoughts.

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