Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Fifth Secret

Give up your Personal History.
This is one of those areas which is easier to talk about than to achieve. The example used by Wayne Dyer is of a speedboat across a lake, the wake left behind is our history. Now can that wake actually drive the boat - no! It is just evidence of what has occurred, it is not responsible for what you are experiencing or living today, it is just the past.

Don't be a victim of your personal history. Don't base your life on yesterday. If your history was good or bad, it does not decide what you will do with today and tomorrow, only you can do that. This applies not only to a negative history, but also to people who continually refer to 'the good old days'. Today is not yesterday and it is not tomorrow, it is only today.

Why not rather embrace your personal history? So often in life great steps forward are preceeded by great steps back or tragedy. I am beginning to believe that to be in the present today, I have had to experience the past, it had to happen. And even if it didn't have to happen it did! If I spend today bemoaning the facts of the past, then today cannot be lived for the true gift that it is - the present.

It is wonderfully 'freeing' to view your past in a new way. My personal experience has been to stand and imagine that I am facing a black, dark nothing! (This sounds kind of scary at first) Behind me is all the light and memories of my past, they are over my shoulder. I can look back and see them, I can examine them (deal with the issues). Then I can take a step forward and create today! I can bring with me whatever I chose. Nothing at all; lots of the issues that diminish me (labels and hurts that I cannot change); or only the good things. It is completely my choice!

The future is undetermined, it is what we make it. (A great quote from the Terminator movie). So it is with our lives. We can chose to be at one with the Source (God), we can chose to be happy and at peace. Or we can allow the wake of the speedboat to 'drive' our lives.

Our personal history is a wonderful learning tool and experience, but that is all it is. We can chose to learn from the good things and the bad experiences, but they do not dictate how we will step forward today to create a new light.

Ivan has always told me "You are too long dead!" What a wonderful saying! Embrace today. Tonight when you go to bed, look back at your personal history of this day and know that you created it, by your own choices. Then let it go and live tomorrow, which will be your new today.



Anonymous said...

Oh how true !! We have to move forward otherwise we are trapped in a world we don't want to know. We have to think of today and the future and with positive thoughts. I have an old saying that came from my Mother. "Pick yourself, dust yourself down and start all over again" I can't count the many many times I used that expression to see me through life and all its trials. Take care.

Unknown said...

"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday" - Anon.

Anonymous said...

Wish you lived closer Bev ... many a times I need your wise words and level thinking! Again you have hit the nail on the head ... will keep going back to this blog and reminding myself about your very truthful words!