Thursday, October 31, 2013

General News

First of all the medical update:

Healing is fantastic - tummy feels quite normal.  Yesterday had colonoscopy and gascoscopy - both showed nothing abnormal - great news. Am seeing gastroenterologist today to check up on biopsies and have a general discussion about tummy health.. So hopefully will get some answers.

Next bit of exciting news is that my book cover proof has arrived for my second novel.

I love it - it has the same theme as book one - with just a few dramatic changes.
So hoping it looks good on a shelf together.

Working on the final proof copy - allowed 25 changes to mistakes - found a couple. So frustrating, as I have edited and re-edited this book hundreds of times.  Sending it off to the publisher by the end of the week.

Other news is that I am hoping to take a week away with the family to head to Disneyland before I begin my chemotherapy treatment.  It is a chaotic and crazy idea as we will need to organise it all to leave on November 18th and return on November 25th.  But...... if I can pull it off, I think it will be the best medicine in the world ....... a chance to recharge batteries and energy levels and just have a fantastic time.  Was supposed to go in January for my 50th birthday, but who cares when I begin celebrating.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day Five and recovering

I love modern medicine and surgery techniques.  Just five days out and I have the waterproof dressings off from my tummy.  Small little steri-strips hold my cuts together and I am up and about.  A little swollen and tender but feeling so good.

I have had a good week, been sensible resting and taking it easy.  Have been up every day for an hour or so, but mostly have rested in bed, watching TV and reading  -  aah the life of the patient.

Yesterday I had exciting news: The cover and text of my second book arrived. It is everything I hoped for and in fact even more.  It is seriously beautiful and enhances and follows the theme of the first cover.  So the next day or so, will see me working on the final read through - yes, there are still corrections - wow - how can I have missed some simple things - even after all these read-throughs. Then it is off to the printer. Yippeeeeee!!

Monday I will be seeing Dr Vasey, my oncologist for a long discussion.  I have a long list of questions, including alternative therapies, options etc. And, of course, a prognosis for the future - two cancers in one year is more than acceptable.

The weeks ahead are going to be challenging, but I feel a little more optimistic that I can deal with it all. 

Am planning to spend November writing another 50 000 words on my 4th novel, completing my Jane Austen assignment (yuck) and preparing for Christmas.  Life is wonderful, I am alive, loved and relatively healthy.  So let's live.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Princesses and good news

On Monday as I was in surgery, we were celebrating Elizabeth handing in her Honours thesis.  A year of sharing her amazing journey into the fairy tale world of beauty - resulted in a 15 000 word thesis titled:  "From Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever after--Images of fairytale beauty".  I am so proud of her and know that on December 11th at 2pm, we will once more celebrate with her as she accepts her graduation certificate.

Saturday 19th, had seen Sarah, Elizabeth and I - take the joy of being a Princess one step further.  Elizabeth's school friend had a bridal shower in the theme of Disney Princesses and we all got dressed up to help her celebrate.

Here are some special photos of us all:

Sarah - Cinderella, Elizabeth - Snow White and Me - Sleeping Beauty

Snow White - sleeping or dead?

Twirling in my full skirt

A modern Cinderella, sunglasses and all.

Elizabeth, with Cassie (the bride) and Sarah

All the Princesses at the Bridal shower

Two sleeping beauties - the Mum's (Cassie's Mum - Leanne Reck)

And the best one of all - A Beauty with brains - Elizabeth with her thesis.

Home and recovering

It is good to be home from hospital and recovering from my surgery.  I was very lucky that my surgeon was able to perform the surgery laproscopically and all I have is 5 small cuts. 

The results however, are not quite as good.  He found a large Metastatic Colon Cancer tumour. It is good in that it wasn't a new form of cancer (ovarian), but not good in that it was part of the original colon cancer that survived the chemotherapy and grew very quickly. 

So now, I need to heal from the surgery and see my oncologist on Monday.  I must admit I hate the fact that I have a 'my oncologist' - who wants one of those?  Still, he is very good and I know that he will look after me. 

I am dreading facing chemotherapy again. I was never sick from my cancer, but really sick from my chemotherapy and this is a path I don't want to walk down again.

I am also finding that my head is struggling with the idea that I have now had two bouts of cancer in just 12 months and the journey ahead is going to be challenging.

So here is the medical update:  Time for me to retire to bed for a little rest and then I will be up and ready to go again soon.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A new poem

My Vow 


I am scared today, as I face the challenges ahead

I knew something was wrong, I could feel it in my head

I wanted to ignore it, but it kept knocking at my door

I really am so scared, I feel so unsure.


They told me to take the pills, to sit and endure the drip

They trapped in the chair, in chemotherapy’s grip

Then they said it was all over, I was clear to move right on

To live my life and enjoy my health, but they were all so wrong


It’s time to start the battle and begin again

I can endure the surgery, I can endure the pain

It is the draining journey, of the toxic lethal dose

It is the weeks and months ahead that I fear the most.


So as I sit here waiting for my body to tell my why

I hold my head in my hands and find that I sigh

I don’t know why I’m chosen to bear this burden now

But, I guess that I’ll recover and that is my vow.


To fight the fight of Cancer . . .  and not give in

I’ll hold my head up high and I’ll bring back my grin

I don’t believe in Can’tser – I believe in Can and Do

So watch out tumours here I come – it’s time to have your due!


Beverly Adair – October 2013

Health Update

Surgery is booked for Monday, October 21st, 2013.  The gynaecologist is 'almost certain' that this 'new' cancer is linked to my previous colon cancer.  He will obviously know more when he removes the tumour and it is tested.  He is also almost positive that I will have to 'endure' more chemotherapy - yuck! 

So given a weekend pass, I am looking forward to spending the next few days relaxing and enjoying life.  Have a 'Hen's party' to attend on Saturday - it isn't going to be one of those drunken binges, but rather a wonderful 'Disney Princess High Tea' - my daughter's friend Cassie - is such a wonderful girl and I am thrilled to be joining Elizabeth and Sarah as we go full out dressed as Disney Princesses (photos will follow).

I am also going to head to the movies with Ivan.  I want to see 'Gravity' and just enjoy a few hours of relaxation.  A yummy Sunday lunch will be followed by pre-surgery prep - yup that disgusting colon clean-out.  But I can drink liquids up to 6am on Monday morning, so not too serious.

Will keep my Blog updated as much as possible, but if you want to follow my life on a more daily basis - please join me on Facebook - I have two pages 'Beverly Adair's writings' and of course Beverly Adair.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Blog is looking sad

The lack of posts has given my blog a really neglected and sad look and today I am going to once more post a difficult post.

Yesterday, I had my check-up PET and CT scan - the news is both good and bad. Good that the cysts on the liver and pancreas are in the words of my oncologist "just a red herring".  The bad news is that there is a very large (9.5cm x 5.1cm) malignant tumour on my right ovary.

So today I seeing a specialist who will operate as soon as possible.  I am not sure at this stage if I will need further chemotherapy, or what else they will find, but it is just another journey of wait and see.

Despite all this negative news, I do have some positive.

Elizabeth is almost finished her Honours thesis (15 000 words) of inspirational research and writing on the 'beauty of the fairy tale heroine" - so proud of her.

I have also managed to write my screenplay for my Creative writing course - it is a suspense thriller and I am really excited about it. 

I haven't managed to begin work on my Jane Austen assignment, but am applying for an extension. It is due November 5th, so hoping that I will get some time.

So with the health update and life update, I once again sign off.