Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Last week we celebrated with Matthew the end of his school life. It was a joy for Ivan and me to share the Valedictory service and celebration with him on Thursday evening and then to attend his final assembly at school on Friday morning.

 It has been a wonderful watching Matthew grow up - especially the last 8 years at Westmac - he has made good friends and had lots of highlights.

Friday morning assembly was moving and special.

Mr Alcorn & Ms Stewart (Senior School vice principal & principal) and the school captains.
 The school song is a beautiful one called "On Eagle's Wings" - when the kids are in primary school they learn all these lovely actions, but when they get to senior school - they become way to cool to perform them - so it was with delight we watched and listened to the joy of these graduating kids singing out loud, out of tune, yet with actions and great enthusiasm.

Matthew appearing up the time tunnel

The time tunnel is a great tradition at Westmac - the entire school lines up and farewells the graduating class - they start with the preps and end with the Year Eleven's - there were lots of tears and quite a few cheers.
 Elizabeth got the biggest hug from Matthew - their bond is still so close.

 My turn for a photo with Matthew.
 And finally heading out the gates with his friend Alec
Congratulations Matthew - we are so proud of you and love you very much.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November Birthdays

November 16th & 17th are two special birthdays.  First my beautiful Ivan and then my very special Mum.

This year my Dad (Brian) took the prize for giving Ivan the very best present. For nearly a year he has been working on Ivan's gift - Rupert Bear - a favourite character from Ivan's childhood.

 My amazingly talented Dad - made all the drawings, plans and carved and painted this beautiful character.
 Ivan was so thrilled and pleased with the gift.

Of course as it was Mum's birthday we had to give her a few gifts as well - she received candle lanterns for the patio from the children and Ivan and I had given her a nice bottle of Rose and money for a birthday lunch down the coast.

 A few hours after our celebrations we were hit by a super storm and in less than 30 minutes had 73mm of rain.  All the gutters and patio flooded and as soon as it eased a little Mum and Dad came up the garden visiting - both looking like 'Orange Aliens'

After 49 years of marriage - these two are the happiest, funniest and loviliest people I know.

Happy Birthday Mum and Ivan.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I love my Cat!

Cleo has been such a lovely addition to our family.  She was supposed to be Sarah's cat, but quickly decided that she preferred me.  When I was in hospital - Ivan said that she sulked and avoided him, or slept on my side of the bed.

Since my diagnosis - our normally anti-social cat, has taken to sleeping really close to me and now whenever I get out of bed (if I don't pull the covers up) - she rushes in to sleep on my pillow.

 A couple of days ago, I couldn't resist getting the camera out to snap this photo.

Now Cleo has always been an indoor cat - we love our wildlife too much to allow her to roam and kill not only birds, but also lizards and other creatures.  However, her instinct has been so strong to go outside, that this morning we allowed her out for a 10 minute wander. 
 Our only hope was that she wouldn't just rush off and dissapear.  She was very curious and timid and Max, made sure she didn't go too far, keeping an eye on her and inviting her back inside.
Now as I said - I love my Cat!