Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Snakes Alive

We had the most amazing visitor to our garden a couple of days ago.

This beautiful python is either living in our garden wood shed or just visitng for a couple of snacks. We have to now be more careful in letting Max out alone - as he would make a great meal for this beautiful snake.

Relaxed slow, slithers along the fence - at least 8' long
Dad called me down with my camera and Mum had hers, so we took lots of photos, the snake was quite placid until Mum stopped thinking.

I think I will reach out and touch you!  The snake head is hidden in the leaves, but within micro-seconds it was curled up and ready to strike.

The length of the curled part of the snake was at least 4' enough to reach out and take a nasty bite.

Mum then decided that discretion was the better part of valour and moved away.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Nature healing

This post is a two-way post all about my healing, but also the amazing healing of nature.

Two years ago it began to rain around October.  This October, we are struggling in the grip of a desperate shortage of water.  How contrary is nature?  At the time, the Brisbane river began rising and for the next few months it would innundate the local parks.

Today Ivan took the girls and me for a drive to the newly refurbished and re-opened park in Barellin Point - and it is beautiful.

 New shade areas on the edge of the river are a relaxing place to sit and relax.

 The car park which was always gravel and bumpy has been neatly repaved.

 And plants and trees all over the place are thriving.
Through the next few months of my healing, I think I will take advantage of this beautiful place in nature to sit and recover, just like nature has recovered from the flood, so will I recover from my cancer and grow stronger and hopefully more beautiful and healthy on the other side of healing.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day Ten

Today is day 10 from my surgery and I am up and dressed at 8am - huge progress.  Managed last night to lie on my side for a short while - Yippee!!!!!  It was such a big step forward and made me feel fantastic. Still slept on my back - but just having the chance to change positions was wonderful.

I had a good day yesterday. It all started on Tuesday evening when Elizabeth realised that I was not in a good space.  She decorated a lovely sponge cake for me and even brought it in with a candle for wishes and healing.  I was so sore and hot, frustrated and upset.  After a piece of cake, she offered me a bath.  My beautiful girl, ran me a shallow bath and washed me. She had bought me a fresh, new sponge and took the time to wash my feet and legs, my back and arms. Just being pampered was wonderful.  Then sitting me in the lounge, she corralled Matthew into helping her change my bed-linen - even though it was only 2 days since she had changed it.  She put the air-con on in our room and cooled everything down. Result was that on Tuesday night I slept really well. 

 Wednesday morning, we had morning tea out on the patio, cake, lemonade, fresh air, puppies playing at our feet and a game of cards.  What a delightful way to heal.
She then offered to take me to the shops for an hour to get out of the house - again a blessing.  I managed to snail-pace walk up and down the centre and enjoy looking in a few shops.  A wonderful way to exercise.

So thank you special girl for your love, thoughtfulness and time.  I love you.

So today - Day 10.  Woke up feeling so much better.  Another day on the healing trail.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Before and After

Now not many people would be game enough at age 48 to be baring their skin to the public, but I figured if celebrities could do it - so could I. 

Before I went into hospital, I asked Elizabeth to take a photo of my belly, a little fat, but not too bad - no road maps.

 It is so easy to take an after photo - of a new garden bed, or something changed, but so often we forget to take the before photo - I wanted a memory of my tummy before the scar went in. 
Knowing that he was doing a transverse scar I expected one around 5 - 10cm, but this huge 20cm was even a shock for me.
 The problem was the upper junction of the tumour and his desire to ensure that he would get all the cancer out - thank goodness he did.  My first thoughts were - "Oh Well - I can do a join the dots road map - from my caesarian scar, to my appendix scar to my tummy scar to the drain scar to my gall bladder scar - I won't need a tattoo, I can just join up the patterns."
 My first day home - I got to see all the beautiful cards and flowers from friends displayed.  Thank you to you all for your Facebook, email, phone and card messages. It is at times like these that I appreciate the time and love you have all taken to share your prayers and care with me.

Flowers adorn my bookshelf in my room, white roses for healing from Ivan, a stunning orchid from Sergio, bright orange daisies and lillies from Graham and combining Mum's flowers with flowers from Chris & Jan, has made an amazing display.

Thank you everyone.  My first step on this journey has begun, and now I am building strength for the next step.  One I know I will deal with no matter what - I have too much to do in life and life has too much for me to enjoy.

So with a smile and JOY in my heart I am recovering slowly and healing.