Sunday, April 29, 2012

Three Days; 16+ hours & 56 000+ words

Today I finished my second re-write of book one of my series.

I am really tired, but have not only added another 6000 words to the original draft, but have strengthened the story and background. Am much happier with this draft.

It is now in the hands of my editor - my darling Elizabeth, who has been my help and inpiration from day one.

I am in the process of working on a 'Hook' - the words that will be on all my advertising material - i.e. Bookmarks, posters, etc.  It is such an exciting feeling.

Now I have to find the words, to write the Blurb which will appear on the back and also my Author's info. I am finding it difficult to know what to put into this. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Feeling proud of a child

A few days ago I posted a few words about Matthew and the successful removal of his braces. I want to thank those who commented on their kind words. I realise I have repeated these photos, but just want to add a few words.

 Matthew is in his final year of school this year and last week received his Year 12 Senior Jersey. It is quite appropriate as he is in Year 12 in 2012.  This is a special souvenier that the kids get to keep as a reminder of their years at West Moreton Anglican College.
Looking cool Matthew
 Now the other impressive thing about my young man is his intellect.  I have heard many parents boast about 'how smart their kid is' and I have done the same on many occasions with all three of my own children.  These photos are a special kind of example of one of Matthew's special gifts.

Matthew has always been good at Mathematics and logic puzzles. He is also the most determined person I know - teaching himself so many things (card tricks, jugging, and many other things from the internet).
 Last week at work his boss (he works at a Newsagency - see the smart shirt) showed Matthew a new puzzle that has been released. It was awarded a game of the year award.  It is a black tube that fits inside the coloured sleeve and you have to figure out the maze to get it off.  Now it comes already locked on.  Chris had told Matthew that he had spent a few hours fiddling with it on and off and had not succeeded.  Matthew was challenged and bought himself a puzzle.

The maze inside, which you cannot see until you figure it out blind the first time.
 During his lunch break - he began the challenge and 20 minutes later, he walked out to Chris, to show him that he had succeeded - Chris couldn't believe it.  Over this last week - Matthew has memorised the path in his head and can now achieve the orange puzzle in under 10 seconds.
Just to challenge himself even further, he today bought the yellow puzzle, when he discovered it had a different maze - it took him about 7 minutes to do it the first time and now he can do it in less than a minute.

Matthew you are 'A-maz-ing' - your gift and talent to be able to do these sort of things astounds me. I am so proud of you my love.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Congratulations Matthew and Mommy

Today was a huge milestone in the life of Matthew and Me. Just over 18 years ago, my beautiful Matthew was born with a unilateral cleft lip and bi-lateral cleft palate. For the past 18 years, we have almost every six weeks attended the Royal Children's and Primary Children's Hospital in Brisbane, Melbourne and Salt Lake City to visit specialists, surgeons, speech pathologists, dentists, orthodontists, etc, etc. He has endured 9 operations and countless hours of discomfit and he has done it all with the most beautiful heart and soul. Together, we have formed a bond, stronger than anything I could have dreamed of when they placed in him my arms. We always chatted on the way to and from appointments, shared a lunch date together and sometimes had a special treat. Today was a huge milestone - Why?  Because Matthew had his 3rd and hopefully final set of braces removed. His teeth are as perfect as we could have hoped for. He has a beautiful clear retainer and is so handsome and beautiful. They told us he would never speak well - he delivered a fantastic speech to over 300 kids and was chosen as Middle School Captain; they told us he would never whistle - he taught himself to whistle. My Son is amazing - he is my inspiration and I know that together we have weathered these 18 years together and become closer than I could ever have hoped. ...... Our next visit is in 3 months time for a check up, but the journey is over. We shook hands with the most amazing orthodontist - Dr Hugh McCallum, our oral hygienist - Stephen Moore, a team of nursing staff and receptionists today; that have journeyed with us for the past 7 years. My thanks and blessings to them all. So what was today for me? It was exhausting - the exhaustion of 18 years, exhilarating that we have overcome the odds and wonderful that it is over.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Two posts in one day - it is going to snow!

Matthew received his Senior Jumper yesterday - Year 12 in 2012 - congrats Matthew.

Home Grown

Is it ready yet? We have never grown a watermelon - so we didn't know when our delicious beauties would be ready.  Last night however, the possums, must have figured out that one of them was ready. This morning when I went down to water the vegetables - it was eaten through; so I immediately picked this one.  Sarah was over the moon.

 I cut it open and it was red and looked good.

 It was a little watery in my opinion, but Sarah demolished an entire half.

So we have successfully grown two watermelons, one for the possum and one for us.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

100% Tired

Matthew had a three day biology camp last week and had to work on Saturday morning; when he arrived home he had a shower and then fell asleep on the couch with Bella. I love these photos of a boy and his dog.

Even Abby was exhausted, falling asleep as well.

The click of the camera woke her, but she was so relaxed that she didn't move.
Aah it is a dog's life.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Internet Friends

I am blessed. A couple of years ago I connected with a random stranger on Blogger.  Her blog intrigued me - she had decided to take a photo a day for 365 days. Now I had tried this a couple of times and after about 60 days I bombed out each time.  But ... here was an amazing person who was keeping her commitment. 

Darlene lived on the other side of the world in Canada and through the 'eye' of her camera I started to follow her world.  We began chatting via comments and then on FB.  Darlene at the beginning of this year had the courage to follow a dream and applied for a placement in Australia to study for a few months - her application succeeded and she has been in Adelaide and the Centre of Australia for a few months.  Her beautiful photography and messages about my country have been inspirational and each day I happily click on her blog (see Blogs I follow on the right side of my page)   to share her days.

This morning I received a blessed gift - Darlene is coming to visit - she will be with Me in Brisbane for a few days in May - I cannot wait. I will be able to give this wonderful person a hug, and share some time with her in person.

Thank you technology, what a wonderful world we live in. Follow in May and you will see us together, sharing a photo a day together.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Today my amazing parents celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary. Elizabeth and I had the joy of spending the morning with them in Toowoomba and had the most delicious lunch at a restaurant called the Cube Hotel.

They do this amazing steak, that is brought to you raw on a 400 degree Hot Rock Grill and you cook it yourself - just the way you like it. Elizabeth who has been struggling with meat in recent months, devoured her rump steak in a matter of minutes and then we indulged in a Cold Stone dessert. Ice-cream, strawberries, chocolate sauce, marshmallows, chocolates and other yummy dishes. It was divine.

This post however, is about two very special people - My Mum and Dad - Brian and Dorothy.

Forty-nine years together isn't about all the things you have done, places you have lived, dramas you have survived, fights you have had . . . It is about the sharing of dreams, and living them. Sharing of sorrows and helping each other every day. It is about the love and example you give to your children and the world around you.  It is about caring and kindness. But most of all it is about each other.

 Mom and Dad are wonderful, At nearly 73 and 68 . . .  they have more enthusiasm for life and energy than most teenagers. I find them inspiring and wonderful. Although I have learnt all the lessons and heard all the stories, to sit back and hear them again as they tell them to my children now . . . is the greatest gift in my life.

So to you both, I love you.  I thank you for my life and I wish you both many more years together.  Next year is the big 50 and we will celebrate in style.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Girls night out

Tonight Elizabeth, Sarah and I went out to dinner at our local 'Thai Temptations' - it was such a relaxing evening - just the three girls, chatting and conversing.

I love spending time with my daughters; we share and laugh and enjoy time together.

Thank you for your beautiful friendship.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Farewell Boys

The two beautiful men in my life are heading away.

Matt left this morning for a 3-day Biology camp at Hastings Point, NSW and Ivan head overseas tomorrow for a 2.5 week trip.  I am missing you both already.

Be Safe both of you and come home soon.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jailhouse Frog

Last night this lovely Green Tree Frog decided to jump on Matthew's back. He (Matt) got such a fright and the poor frog, wasn't much better. He then tried to escape, only to find refuge inside Cleo's outdoor cattery (luckily, she wasn't in it).

 I ran for my camera and managed to get these great photos of our 'prisoner'.  He stayed still for ages, before making his escape into the bushes.

 Earlier on in the evening, Sarah had been attempting to feed the Butcherbird by hand. She sat patiently on the ground encouraging these beautiful birds, with bits of meat.
 I managed to capture this beautiful photo of her watching the birds in the tree. So still and serene - what a Princess.
 The reason we were all outside, was that Mum and Dad had found this amazing 1 litre can of German Beer, for Dad and Ivan.
 It took two hands to lift the mug and Dad's face says it all.  What a lovely Autumn evening.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Morning Mayhem

Well not really - in fact not at all. 

Public schools started back today, but Sarah and Matt have another couple of days off, so we all had a lie-in and enjoyed our rest. It was also bliss going out to the shops without the crowds of kids and the carpark full. Matt and Sarah had lunchtime hair appointments, but other than that a lazy day.

Wednesday Matthew is off for a 3 day Biology excursion and on Thursday Ivan is heading overseas for 2 weeks, so Thursday night it is just us three girls - a movie night - I think!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day out in Nature

Ivan and I enjoyed a wonderful morning out in nature today.  Here are some of the great photos that I took.

Boardwalk through the trees

A few relaxing photos in the sunshine

 Ivan and I both decided we needed to hug a tree to reconnect to nature, and this was such a lovely tree.

 A perfect bench on the bend in the path, we had the whole reserve to ourselves, it was so peaceful and silent.
 This little overgrown pond was full of frogs, which although we couldn't see we could certainly hear.
 And lastly a couple of great tree photos, what a perfect morning followed by lunch together - Aaah!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Hi everyone,

Vesta has been on strike and neglected.  Reasons - hmm - not sure!

Have enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend - blog and (almost) Facebook Free and away from the pressures of writing, but I must admit have struggled with inspiration. Also, I guess, I am not sure who is reading of if anyone is even interested anymore.

But . . . here is an update.

The Creators is finished - ready to be sent off the the Publishers next week - doubts and concerns have rushed in, but am still going to send it off.

Life has been busy with children over the holidays and I am been adicted to the entire series of The West Wing - Ivan and I finally finished Season 7 last night - that is all 154 episodes. Just wonderful.

Other than that life is good - will try and get back into the swing of things and writing regularly - so stayed tuned or tune in again.