Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy 18th Birthday Matthew - A year in Review

 March 2011 - Matthew celebrated his 17th birthday with friends at paintball.
 Elizabeth and Matthew working together at the newsagency.

 After Sports day at school
 A new addition to the family - Matthew fell in love with Cleo the moment he held her.
 Enjoying his new room
 Sharing a moment with Daddy

Celebraing Dad's birthday in November
 Playing in the park
 Helping out in the kitchen

Christmas morning - the banjo you have wanted forever

Hello Bella -

January 2012 in Disneyland
 Disneyland hotel pool - cool dude!
 Donald Duck and Matthew

I'm not scared Dad - are you?

March 2012 - Sarah's birthday

Happy Birthday Matthew - I hope 2012 is as fun filled and successful as 2011

Monday, March 26, 2012

Lessons from my child

My beautiful Sarah has been working really hard on her issues with self-esteem and anxiety and this morning she showed me one of her ideas. I am blown away with the creativity and intuition of this beautiful young woman.
 Sarah has covered her cupboard doors with heart-shape sticky-notes. These all have messages on them for her.  Everyday she will take something that someone has said or she has experienced that has hurt her and tear it up and throw it away (these are the yellow hearts).  And the pink hearts are filled with inspirational and uplifting suggestions to make her day better.
 When all the yellow are gone - she will have slayed her 'worry monster'
 This is just one of her wonderful ideas to uplift her day. 
Sarah you inspire me with your wisdom.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Decision and challenge time

I have a decision to make and it is rather a big one.  My first novel was written in first person and it works really well as 'Sarah' my character is involved in the whole novel. But, and this is the big 'but' Books 2 & 3 would probably work better in 3rd person.

As such I have re-written the first chapter into 3rd person and am posting it here (along with the same chapter in 1st person.

If anyone is out there that has the time to read it and give me some feed-back I would be so appreciative.  This is obviously a decision I will ultimately make myself, but I would love some advice. 

The re-write is huge - over 50 000 words and 97 pages of work, but I want it to be really good, so am prepared to do it. 

Please read and let me know, thanks, via a comment or on Facebook or email.

Third person draft

Chapter One

I hate school, I hate math, I hate Mrs Wheeler and I hate being me. Sarah sank lower in her chair. What was it that Mrs Wheeler had just said?

“Now class, pay attention. As you know today the Senior Selectors will be attending class. It is a great honour for the school that they are prepared to come in and assess you all.” Mrs Wheeler said.

Huh! What Selectors? Sarah wondered.  Everyone seemed to be quite excited, what had she missed as she sat daydreaming again. She knew that no-one would answer her if she asked, so she just sat and waited, hoping Mrs Wheeler would explain a little more.

“Class, be quiet. Get out your workbooks and let’s begin. They will be here soon enough, but we still have finals to prepare for, so don’t think today is a holiday. Sarah, stop looking so vague and find your math book, you know you need to work on this area more than everyone else in this class,” she added. The snickers of laughter brought a blush to Sarah’s pale face; no hiding it when she was upset or embarrassed.

Leaning forward, Sarah covered her face with her hair and found her math book. I hate math, I wish it was English first up, at least I can write. At least in English the teacher doesn’t criticize me all the time; although I am still singled out. It makes the others dislike me for being good at something; she thought, sighing. The math lesson dragged on and on and on. The morning tea bell finally rang and everyone rushed out of the classroom chattering away.

“Do you know that my brother was accepted into training for the Special Forces when the Selectors came around a couple of years ago?” Estebelle boasted to everyone. “He writes home every month telling us of the wonderful places that he has visited. Of course, our family is quite famous in the SF and I am sure that is where I will be sent.”

“I think I have a wonderful chance for acceptance into the Entertainment Guild” Amy-Lee breathed in her sultry voice. “Everyone knows they are always looking for talent. My father has some special connections in this area of course; and I have been studying for years to be ready.”

Sarah realised with a sinking heart that she really hadn’t been paying attention. Today was the day. Today was the day that her future would be decided. She wouldn’t get a say in what she could do with her life. It was all up to the Selectors. She knew that she wanted to work with animals; in preparation she had already spent most holidays working with the healer in her neighbourhood, caring for all the beautiful creatures of her area.  She loved helping soothe them, listening with her heart and soul to their words, words only she could hear. She had never told anyone about it, she knew her Mum would say it was her imagination, but she knew differently. She could ease their pain with her thoughts.  If I tell the Selectors about my skills, maybe they will believe me, and then I could be good at something, not just different, but really good.

First person draft

Chapter One

I hate school, I hate math, I hate Mrs Wheeler and I hate being me. I sank lower in my chair; what was it that Mrs Wheeler had just said:

“Now class, pay attention. As you know today the Senior Selectors will be attending class. It is a great honour for the school that they are prepared to come in and assess you all.” Mrs Wheeler said.

“Huh! What Selectors?” I wondered.  Everyone seemed to be quite excited, what had I missed as I sat daydreaming again. I knew that no-one would answer me if I asked, so I just sat and waited, hoping Mrs Wheeler would explain a little more.

“Class, be quiet. Get out your workbooks and let’s begin. They will be here soon enough, but we still have finals to prepare for, so don’t think today is a holiday. Sarah, stop looking so vague and find your math book, you know you need to work on this area more than everyone else in this class,” she added. The snickers of laughter brought a blush to my pale face; no hiding it when I was upset or embarrassed.

Leaning forward, I covered my face with my hair and found my math book. I hate math, I wish it was English first up, at least I can write. At least in English the teacher doesn’t criticize me all the time; although I am still singled out. It makes the others dislike me for being good at something; I thought, sighing. The math lesson dragged on and on and on. The morning tea bell finally rang and everyone rushed out of the classroom chattering away.

“Do you know that my brother was accepted into training for the Special Forces when the Selectors came around last year?” Estebelle boasted to everyone. “He writes home every month telling us of the wonderful places that he has visited. Of course, our family is quite famous in the SF and I am sure that is where I will be sent.”

“I think I have a wonderful chance for acceptance into the Entertainment Guild” Amy-Lee breathed in her sultry voice. “Everyone knows they are always looking for talent. My father has some special connections in this area of course; and I have been studying for years to be ready.”

I realised with a sinking heart that I really hadn’t been paying attention. Today was the day. Today was the day that my future would be decided. I wouldn’t get a say in what I could do with my life. It was all up to the Selectors. I knew that I wanted to work with animals; in preparation I had already spent most holidays working with the healer in our neighbourhood, caring for all the beautiful creatures of her area.  I loved helping soothe them, listening with my heart and soul to their words, words only I could hear. I had never told anyone about it, I know mum would say it was my imagination, but I knew differently; I could ease their pain with my thoughts and at times I could write about something and it would happen.  If I tell the Selectors about my skills, maybe they will believe me and then I could be good at something, not just different, but really good.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I am doing it!

I am editing and formatting my novel.  Forty-eight chapters and I have completed 17 of them - how exciting. My beautiful children have spent the evening supporting me, with suggestions, comments and food and drink.

By the end of March I am hoping that it will be at the publishers and by mid-year (my New Year goal) on the shelves.

So watch out world 'The Creators' is on its way.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Snakes Alive

 Sarah called out that there was a snake on the patio - I grabbed the camera and rushed out - it turned out to be a really cool, extra long, green tree snake.  Now unlike most people, I Love Snakes!

 This one was very shy and scare and was lying along the rafters, it was about 5-6' long and beautiful in colour.
 It was certainly camera shy and wanted nothing to do with me and the camera.
 So it decided that up onto the patio was the best way to go.
 And so our encounter ended with this beautiful visitor.

Tawny Frogmouth

 This beautiful bird and its mate have made a visit to our garden - they are part of the nightjar family (or sort of an owl) and eat frogs, lizards etc.  Mostly nocturnal it is rare to see them in the garden during the day.  They have however, visited for a couple of days.

 Mum spotted thm up in the tree- top third and I took my camera down - not the easiest birds to photograph with all the foliage around them - guess that is what keeps them well camoflauged.
I did managed to get this shot of the other bird as well. 

On Sunday night Ivan and I went Cane Toad hunting to try and ensure that these beautiful birds don't die from eating the poisonous toad, in our one acre garden in less than 30 minutes we caught 35 Cane Toads - Yuck!  So another round each weekend before winter will hopefully disrupt the breeding cycle before they begin hibernation in winter.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Vege patch

 Late summer we planted some tomato plants, capsicums, cucumbers and water melons for Sarah as well as our usual crop of strawberries.  With so much rain, everything has gone mad - we already have cucumbers on the vine, tomatoes and our first watermelon. 
Sarah pointing out her baby watermelon

In fact we might have overplanted the watermelon.  This year the vege patch is looking great. It is going to make great eating. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St Patrick's Day

Being part Irish and married to an Irish man is a wonderful reason to celebrate St Patrick's Day.  Dad and Ivan enjoy a few Guinness and we usually celebrate with snacks and laughter.

This year was no different and here are a few photos.

Matthew, Grandad, Granny & Elizabeth - all wearing shades of green

Ivan and I celebrating

 Ivan showing off his home-made pumpkin soup - we bought a local farm grown pumpkin and made up a big batch of pumpkin soup in the morning - it was delicious and satisfying.
Sarah giving her Dad a cuddle

And enjoying a Guinness!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Growing old the right way

Mom and Dad looking very smart in their new outfits - they have both signed up for an eight week course in our wonderful city of Ipswich.  It is aimed at older folk introducing them to living actively, staying mentally healthy and enjoying life.

Yesterday was their introduction and they were given caps, t-shirts, water bottles and a towel. They will have a chance to have a cooking lesson, participate in aqua-aerobics (Mom said now they need to find their swimsuits) and also listen to guest lecturers.

What a great city (Ipswich, Qld) we live in - this is all free and encourages our precious older members of the community to live a healthy, happy life.  Well done Mom and Dad for participating.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

23 Years and still in LOVE

 This is my beautiful man - we have shared 23 years of wonderful experiences.  From birthdays to digging together in the garden.  Ivan and I have worked together at everything.
 Last year (2011) - we went to Universal studios and loved the Terminator show - I love motorbikes and Ivan hates them - but even in this difference we shared a wonderful moment posing together on 'Arnie's bike'
 Cooking together is also something we have always loved doing and as the years have progressed, Ivan has taken over this chore that I no longer enjoy - it is one of my joys to sit and keep him company as he cooks us all a beautiful meal.
 And of course there is LOVE!
 Getting dressed up together and going to the Opera
 And sharing a moment in Fiji - where rain storms stranded us, but we still managed to find fun and joy together.
 My beautiful Man is my life and I know that I am his - I thank God everyday for bringing us together, blessing us with three beautiful children and allowing us to celebrate today.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dancing the Day away

 Sonia Choquette and her daughter joining in the dancing!  Sonia had to stay in her seat to dance - she had knee surgery in January and is still on crutches, but was determined to still come out and spend the weekend with us.

 I had such a fantastic weekend, that I didn't take my camera out of my bag until the last 15 minutes - what a blast.
 Sharing a moment with Michelle on the right and Caroline on the left - two beautiful souls. Thanks girls for a great weekend.

And finally, the view on Sunday morning from our hotel room - a hot air balloon drifting peacefully above the world below - observing and enjoying the world, instead of indulging in the chaos of Ego.