Friday, July 30, 2010

24/7 - 365 days per year

"By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-2001) American writer and aviator.

One of the most difficult things about being a housewife and mother (otherwise known as a 'Stay-at-home-Mum) is that there appears to be a perception that staying at home is the same as 'having a day off work' - except that it happens every day.

Now I have been a 'Stay-at-home-Mum' for nearly 22 years and I wouldn't swop it for the world. I just wish sometimes that I could get paid for it and have 2 days off per week, like everyone else.

The joys have been seeing my children through every moment good and bad, even to being able to take the time right now to 'home-school' Sarah through her difficult patch. I have loved the social aspects of Mother's groups, Kindy groups and yes I do have some 'ME' time during the day . . .

But . . . from the moment I wake up in the morning and get up to feed the dog, the puppy, make the breakfast, the lunches, do the dishes, the washing, the cleaning, the school drop off, the accounts, the appointments, the food, the school pick-up, the homework, the dishes, the tidying up, the counselling, the tidying up, the prayers, the goodnights and falling into bed each night - I am on duty.

My job is 24/7 - 365 days per year . . . and funny I feel as though I am the most blessed person in the world. I wouldn't swop my job for anyone else's. I love what I do.

Could someone just pay me something for it - other than just a compliment???

Or maybe, they already do - and the financial reward is not what is important. Rather it is the happy, successful, joyful family that I have and the time that I have to write this post.

So to all Mothers and Housewives I say - congratulations - you are the best workers in the world.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back to my studies!

Semester 2 of university has started.

I am only doing one course this semester, as I am home-schooling Sarah for term 3 and this is going to take up a lot of my time and attention. I don't want to short change her, but I also don't want to give up completely on my studies.

So I have signed up for American Literature and had my first seminar today. Dr Hilary Emmett is my lecturer and is FANTASTIC! She is so knowledgeable and interesting and we have a good size group at 22 students. The seminar will be conducted with 30 mins of background lecturing and then discussion time.

We are covering some amazing material from Walt Whitman, Hawthorne, Emmerson and Thoreau to Poe, Melville and Henry James. We then move into the 20th Century and look at Faulkner, Ginsberg and McCarthy. The reading list is extensive and I am going to experience a variety of genres and styles.

I just can't wait!

So look out for some reading recommendations and wish me luck, as I will have a 2000 word essay to write, 5 x 200 word online discussion posts and a final exam worth 50%, which will be the most difficult for me - as 'remembering' stuff is not my strongest skill.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Something to think about

"If you think you can you can. And, if you think you can't, you're right."
Mary Kay Ashe

This is very similar to a saying that I grew up with and it is:

"There is no such word as 'Can't' it is actually 'Can try' - I guess in life if we decide to do something before we even try it, we will at least have a chance at success, but if we decide we can't before we even try, then we are certainly going to fail.

Something to think about.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Yesterday we had visitors to the garden for a feed. First of all our new family of Kookaburra's arrived. There are five of them, older juveniles as well as this very cute little one. The older siblings stay with the family for a year to help feed the younger ones.
So out I came with the leftover Roast Beef and it was devoured.

Then our local Magpie arrived along with 3 Butcherbirds to join in the meat buffet.

Of course the Rainbow Lorikeets and Scaly-breasted Lorikeets saw me out there with the meat and started calling, so I filled the seed trays and gave them some bread and sugar water. Soon we had about 60 birds calling and feeding.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Digital scrapbooking

Today I have had all four of my family members in bed sick with the flu. I have had the day doing washing, tidying up, looking after the puppy and cooking dinner, dishes etc.

However, tonight I have had an hour to spend scrapbooking and have achieved a huge amount. I finished up my April-July album and sent it off for printing and have also completed 5 pages in the July album, so I am truly getting up to date.

The highlight of my day was watching Bella and Abby play together for an hour. Bella is cheeky but submissive to Abby and Abby is remarkably gentle with the puppy. The funniest was watching Bella sneak around the back of Abby and grab her tail, then Abby would pound away and back.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


"There comes a time when suddenly you realize that laughter is something you remember and that you were the one laughing." - Marlene Dietrich (1901 -1992)

My Circle of Women calendar had this great quote this morning and made me realise how quickly we can 'grow-up', become serious and forget to laugh. I love laughter, I love the feeling of breathlessness and bubbles that start in your throat and then move to your belly.

Don't let laughter be a memory, make it a gift to yourself every single day. Read a funny joke, watch a comedy and most importantly laugh with family and friends.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New hobby

I have been tempted to make cards for years, but with all the other things that I do, I have resisted for as long as possible.
Finally, I have succumbed, these are three that I made tonight as part of our 'Creative Challenge' week.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bookcase update

Way back in early June I posted some photos of our new study bookcases. It took me a little while to sort out what I wanted on them and although they are still a bit disorganised, I am managing to use them for all the things I want.

The four bottom shelves are filled with my completed Creative Memories albums as are rows 2 and 3 on the right hand side. The shelves above of these are empty albums awaiting completed pages.
Thank you Dad, they are beautiful.

100% Tired

I love this photo of Sarah and Bella.
Sarah came into my room with Bella asleep in her hands and when I spotted her sleep-shirt it made the perfect photo.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Puppy Pen

Puppy Prisoner!
We are getting nothing done in our house!
Bella is so cute and adorable and loves people so much that she doesn't want to be alone. Of course we keep holding and cuddling her and the result is that we are achieving nothing.
This morning I came up with a brainwave and designed a large puppy-pen, with some lock-together shelves that I have. She is not very happy with this, but at least she can play and be safe while we are toilet-training her.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bella Health Check

Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts.

Bella is much better - thank goodness.

The visit to the Vet last night was a good idea. We managed to get her to eat a bit of special food and then she perked up, as though she had never been sick. A couple of hours of attention and play, a few cuddles and snoozes on family members laps and she went to sleep at 9pm.

She then woke at 3am, went out for her business and then wanted to play. We gave her a little more food (not something we will do normally), and she settle down again around 4am. I heard her crying at around 5am, so got up and took her out. I left Ivan to try and sleep in a little longer and lay down on the couch with Bella.

We must both have then fallen asleep, because I heard the shower start and woke to find that Miss Bella and wriggled up out of her towel, and was asleep tucked under my chin, with her nose under my ear.

She is currently visiting Mom and Dad with Sarah at the cottage and Mom has just phoned to say she is bouncing on their bed, playing with Dad - oh dear - what a spoilt puppy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bath-time Bella

Our little Bella has been unwell for the past couple of days with an upset tummy - at first we thought it was just a 'new puppy' thing, but she has deteriorated. Today I got some medicine from the vet and then we decided to wash her as she smelt really bad from all the diarrhoea.

Of course she looked like a little drowned rat and then proceeded to shiver for the next 2 hours. We dried her with the hair-dryer and wrapped her up warm in a towel with a heated beanbag, but only after Matthew sat with her in his warm hands did she warm up.

Tonight we have had her back to the vet (her weight has dropped from 1.6kg to 1.35kg in just 24 hours), after a day of no eating or drinking and sleeping all day. A second course of medicine (she has a bacterial infection in her gut), some special food and she is so much better. She has even managed a couple of games with us all on the floor, before collapsing on Ivan's lap for some TV time and a sleep.

It is worse than having a newborn, I have been rather worried about her all day. Hopefully she will sleep well tonight and be back to growing strong and healthy tomorrow.

Uni Grading scale

For my Canadian friend Darlene

Grades are from 1-7 (a very strange system)

Grade 1-3 are fails
Grade 4 - Pass - 50-64%
Grade 5 - Credit 65-74%
Grade 6 - Distinction - 75-84%
Grade 7 - High Distinction - 85-100%

Thank you to everyone for your lovely comments. We are both thrilled with our results.

University Results

I have my university results.

For my writing course I received a Credit '5', which is wonderful. During the course I was worried about the final exam, but it seems I must have done quite well, achieving at least 19.5/40.

For Australian Literature I received a High Distinction '7' - Fantastic!!!!!!
I enjoyed this course so much, the books and tutorials were wonderful. I didn't attend most of the lectures as the lecturer was hopeless and my final essay was something that I was really proud of.

My GPA is a '6' Distinction

Elizabeth also got her results:

Ancient History sources - '5'
Ancient History Society & Culture - '7'
Enblish critical sources 3rd year - '6'
English Australian Literature - '6''

With a GPA of '6' - she is an amazing young woman and I am so proud of her (and of me!!!)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Princess Sarah and Princess Bella

This morning I took a sleepy Bella into a sleepy Sarah and managed to capture this great photo.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Morning Snooze

Writing a blog post with a puppy on your lap, is rather difficult.
Sarah has just appeared and taken these photos, now Miss Bella has gone back to sleep.

More Photos of Bella

Please don't leave me Mum! This is where Bella sleeps/will sleep. It means we can house-train her quickly (most dogs won't mess in their beds) and it is also somewhere for her to be safe and not destructive. She is a ball of mischief, already deciding my slippers and Ivan's toes make good chew-toys.

Of course she is already totally spoilt, I have just taken this photo of Bella on my lap, as I answer my morning emails and put up this post. She is warm and cuddly and dreaming as she sleeps on my lap.

Not only a joy to Sarah, but to us all I think.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Welcome Bella Adair

For as long as we can remember Sarah has asked for a lap dog, when we got Abby (our lovely Border Collie x Labrodor) we thought she would be smaller, and when she grew Sarah was so dissapointed.
After years (almost six) we finally gave in and agreed that Sarah could get a cat, as this became her compromise. Today however, after much thought and discussion and then one of our usual 'rushed' decisions. We bought her this puppy.
Bella is a Cavalier King Charles x Maltese Poodle and was born on May 5th, 2010. She has already melted everyones heart and Abby our 6 year old dog, has taken really well to her. Abby is a little stunned about who and what this white fluffball is, but is coping wonderfully.
Now the hardwork and training starts for Sarah and me, but hopefully this will bring the joy to Sarah's heart that she desires.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Creative Day

Sarah and I had a wonderful afternoon 'Making Cards'. My beautiful friend Michelle had given me two card-making sets for my 45th birthday - 18 mths ago! I have been so busy over the last 18 mths with university, family and life that the creative side of my life has been put on hold.
Now that I am on holiday and enjoying a Challenge Week - set by Michelle - I set myself two goals: The first to de-clutter every day and the second to do something creative and rewarding. Today I loved it, I enjoyed every moment of the card-making process and also the time I got to spend with Sarah and later on with my Mom when she joined us.
I ended up making 9 cards in total, will share some of the photos of them in a day or so when I get some light to take some good pics.
This evening the creative juices continued to flow as I managed to complete another 11 pages of digital scrapbooking.
I do love holidays.