Sunday, May 30, 2010

I need to explain

For all the non-South African followers of my blog - I need to explain.
Borewors is a South African spiced sausage. The word comes from Afrikaans and means Farmers Sausage. It is very popular in South Africa and can be made from Beef or (even nicer) venison of some sort.
In Australia, because of the large population of South African residents, many local butchers make Boerewors.
To our surprise however, our local supermarket suddenly had a stock of Boerewors - I think in support of the World Cup Soccer.
It was the label that appealed to me. A British company, authentically Australian, making South African sausage and then the details overleaf where even funnier.
So here I am half a world away, eating my heritage sausage and having a good laugh. I thought I would just share the funny side of life.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Our very brave Sarah!
For the past 3-4 months Sarah has been suffering from an ingrown toenail. We have tried all sorts of things, but finally on Thursday the doctor removed a sliver down the side of the toe and the offending ingrown nail.
Sarah was very brave with the local anaesthetic and all went well. She is now bearing the pain of recovery, as the surgery slowly heals. Of course anything around the toe area is very sore, but she has been so brave.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sarah with her awards

Sarah with her prize winning art. She won first prize for the Angel and second prize for her little character - $30 in prize money as well.
Well done Sarah.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A very clever man

Dad has been making us some bookcases for our study to replace the ones we bought in the USA. He is so talented and builds them so they fit perfectly in the space and together as though they were one, but are actually two separate cases.

Now all my albums will fit perfectly in the specially designed shelves. ( Repacked shelves photo to follow)
Thanks Dad.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Sarah entered two of her pyrography items into our local show and won 1st prize for her Angel that she made me and 2nd prize for her 'Maple Story' character that she made for Matthew.

With her two banners and certificates she won $20 for the 1st prize and $10 for the 2nd prize. Well done Sarah, we are so proud of you.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

My three amazing children serenading me as we prepared a fruit platter for lunch. They are always so funny when they sing together and share laughter and joy.
I was spoilt with a book from Elizabeth, Sherlock Holmes DVD from Sarah and the DVD of Celine Dion's World Tour from Matthew - I am so blessed.
I love you Elizabeth, Matthew and Sarah.

Mother's Day

A photo of my Mum and me on Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

To all Mother's I wish you a joyful day. It is the greatest blessing of my life - to be a mother.
My children, Elizabeth, Matthew and Sarah are my delight and I thank God for them every night.

To my own Mother, thank you for your love, for my upbringing and for the care that you still give me every single day. I am blessed to be your daughter.

To all who no longer have their mother's with them, my heart is with you as I know that a Mother's love is unique and special.

Enjoy Mother's Day
