Sunday, January 31, 2010

Not too bad for a 46 year old!

Elizabeth and I ready for the gym in our new clothes.
We figured out that if we looked the part, we might begin to feel like we knew what we were doing and it would motivate us.
Tomorrow is another gym day after school drop off.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A lot of hard work.

As part of my Birthday present, Ivan gave me a year's membership at our local gym. I am now 46 years of age and have been gaining a kg every year or so and really need to think about my health.

So today after 60 squats and 40 sit-ups, 20 mins on the treadmill and 4 mins on the rowing machine, I am on my way to losing 5kg and getting back a fanastic figure. My goal is to fit into my leather pants again.

Look out for some photos, if I can get out of bed tomorrow.


This is dedicated to my beautiful friend Michelle.

Michelle's Dad died yesterday, rather unexpectedly after a long health battle and then in the early hours of this morning her nephew was killed in a car crash at age 20.

Michelle, all of our family sends you love and comfort at this time and we will pray for you and your family as you deal with this time of loss.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

First Day of School for 2010

Boo Hoo! First day of school, we don't want to go back to school.

Matthew started Senior school today and Sarah had her very first day of Middle School. It was a big day for them both. We took our annual height photo and it will definetly be the last photo where I am taller than Sarah. Next year I will be in the front of the group.

Sarah and Matthew had beautiful new-style school hats as well and they both looked really smart.
The best part of the day was picking them both up and Sarah's first words were: 'I love Grade 7' and Matthew's 'It was great, I wasn't bored.'

They both liked their teachers and came home enthusiastic about school. Matthew helped Sarah organise her folders and timetable and they both completed their first day of homework without a complaint. A good start to the school year.

Ivan is back at work tomorrow and Elizabeth and I are heading to the gym after school drop-off.

A great day - well done children.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Happy Australia Day to all.

With 38 degree heat today, Ivan got up at 4.40am to prepare the area for his (and Sarah's vegetable garden beds). I woke her around 8am and she quickly dressed and joined her Daddy to fill it with soil, blood & bone and fertilizer. When it cools down a little (or maybe on Saturday) they will plant the vegetable seedlings we bought yesterday.

Soon we will hopefully have onions, lettuce, radishes, tomatoes, carrots, capsicum and beetroot from our own vege patch. Now we just have to keep Abby (our dog) from digging up the bed and the birds and snails from eating the seedlings.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A birthday gift from a friend

My lovely friend Michelle sent me this beautiful wind-chime of a little frog "to remind me to nurture myself and connect with the Faery Magick"
I thought the perfect spot would be outside my bedroom window so as I sit writing and working on my laptop, I could look out and see it and hear the tinkle of the chimes.

Ivan willingly put it up for me, so that I could enjoy it.

Thank you Michelle for making my birthday special once more.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Turning 46

Today is my 46th birthday and I have been spoilt, Ivan bought me some beautiful clothes, emerald earrings and from the children and Mom and Dad some lovely gifts. A special pen-set from Ivan for my writing and a bottle of my favourite red wine (a Bordeaux) with $46 One dollar coins taped to the bottle from Mom and Dad.

Mom was going to cook me a lovely roast dinner, but we decided to celebrate with a visit to our favourite restaurant for ribs; the Lone Star. I was also serenaded by the staff with a birthday song, after Mom told them it was my birthday and presented with this amazing chocolate brownie and ice-cream dessert. We shared it around the whole table so I hope it didn't add too many calories.

It feels good to be 46. I am at a wonderful place in my life. My children are thriving and living life to the full. I have the excitement and fun of being a university student and I have achieved a miracle of writing my first mini-novel. My marriage of 21 years is beautiful, I am more in love than I was 21 years ago and look forward to at least another 21 wonderful years.

So I am grateful and joyful for turning 46.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What a beautiful girl

Sarah and Matthew had their haircut today ready for school next week. Sarah is trying to grow out her fringe so Hayley put it into an elegant side parting and braided the back. My little girl looks so grown-up and sophisticated.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday's random musings

Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my last post. It has been my experience that life is not always 'happy' and 'easy' and sometimes the frustrations expressed can help as much as all the positive comments in the world. The good news is that even when frustrations occur, they can be treated as positive lessons and the connection I have received from the last post was wonderful.

I bought a wonderful desk calender this year called 'Circle of Women - daily inspirations and this morning's quote is just perfect "If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought." (Peace Pilgrim 1908-1981 - American Peace activist).

This made me think about yesterday - Sunday and how I paid the physical price for all my frustrations in the form of a vicious all-day headache. Lots of water, a couple of pain pills and rest helped and I have woken feeling revived this morning. We had an overnight thunderstorm which has cleared the air of all the heat, but are still expecting another hot day today with temperatures predicted around 36 degrees.

This week is filled with chores and appointments as we enjoy the last full week of school holidays and Ivan's leave. Then next Wednesday everyone heads back to a regular routine. On one hand I am looking forward to the predictability and organisation of daily life and on the other am dreading the lunches, school runs and stresses involved. It has been a very enjoyable 5 weeks of relaxation.

I guess I have rambled and mused enough this morning. I wish you all a positive and enjoyable week.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Daily Frustrations

This morning I woke up feeling grumpy and frustrated. It has affected my whole mood and while I know the cause, I can't seem to shift the angry, irratated feelings inside. Things that I don't normally see (or choose not to see) have annoyed me and it made me think about how we deal with life.

I have so many blessings and good things in my life and yet there are times when I am disatissfied and frustrated. Then I feel really guilty for feeling like that. I have spent the morning cleaning and although that is making me feel a lot better, I am not able to achieve any sense of routine or organisation as there are so many things that are in the process of half-completion: like the shower refurbishment, the curtain hanging and room sorting out process.

I am also feeling the frustration of no personal time or space to work on my book, writing and personal things.

So todays post is a grumpy one, but maybe in sharing how I feel about daily frustrations, someone out there will have an inspirational thought about how best to deal with these days.

Mine is to work hard, breathe deep and wait for tomorrow.

Wishing you all a joyful, frustration-free day.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lazy summer days ahead

A wonderful treat for Ivan and I, we bought a garden swing to enjoy around the pool.
It took around 3 hours to put together, after a few mishaps and a bruised knuckle (Ivan's - I jammed it with the wrench) it finally looks really good next to the swimming pool.
I am looking forward to taking my book out for a peaceful read next to the pool.

Cooking & Working

For Christmas Mum and Dad gave me a Wok. Yesterday we decided to try it out. It cooked fantastically, although we need a better sauce as it was a little bland with just Soy sauce.
The shower in the children's bathroom has needed some TLC for years and finally we figured out what needed doing. Ivan and Dad are working at removing all the old, mouldy grout - a very dusty time consuming job.
We are getting a new screen fitted after it is re-grouted and then it should be as good as new.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Working 9-5!

My two grown-up, amazing children.
Elizabeth and Matthew heading off to work. Matthew's first day working in the shop at Karalee News Agency shop. He worked a couple of days helping pack school book packs and was thrilled to earn his first pay, but today was the big day.
Yesterday, we bought him a pair of smart black pants and a light blue shirt, so that he would look the part.
Returning home a few minutes ago, he was pleased to announce that he would be working again on Friday morning.
Well done Elizabeth and Matthew, Daddy and I are so proud of you both as you venture into the world of adult responsibilities and prove yourselves so adept.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I am back

Our family at Christmas dinner.

Hello everyone, and finally a Happy New Year.
After many requests and now demands; Vesta is back online.

I have had the busiest and most fun and relaxed Christmas week. Ivan has been on holiday since December 23rd and is now completely relaxed. He has been working in the garden and we have started basic maintenance around the house. We have replaced curtain rails with new modern tracks and even replaced a set of older, ugly curtains. All small but quite impressive additions to the house.

Elizabeth has been working a lot of hours but managed 5 full days off over Christmas which was lovely. Matthew now nearly 16; had his first foray into working last week, with 2 full days helping pack school book packs for the news agency where Elizabeth works. They were so impressed with him that they gave him $2.50/hour above the minimum wage and tomorrow he ventures into the retail world by working with Elizabeth in the shop. Today we bought him black pants and a smart shirt to wear. Hopefully a photo will follow tomorrow.
Sarah has had a few play dates with friends, but has spent a lot of time with Ivan and I. We have enjoyed her company during her stint as an 'only child' for the first time. It has been an interesting change in family dynamic and quite enjoyable.
I have been busy with de-cluttering and tidying tasks. My book writing is at a bit of a standstill until the children return to school on the 27th and Ivan to work on the 28th of Jan. I have done some editing and have also been reading it out loud to the family as an evening serial. Three chapters a night. So far the response has been great.
I have signed up for 3 university courses, another writing one (this time the practical/grammar side of things), and 2 English courses - Gothic literature and Early Modern Literature covering authors like Shakespeare and Marlow. Should be both a challenge and fun. Elizabeth and I will enjoy a Wednesday together again, but this year it will mostly be the drive-in and out as we will only have 30 mins together for lunch between lectures. Luckily, no evening courses for me this year.
I have a few goals for 2010 rather than resolutions. The first is to finish editing book one of 'The Creators series' and to hopefully write book 2 and maybe book 3. I may submit it to a publisher but will probably self-publish and that way can sell a few copies to friends and family.
My second goal is to take better care of my health. I need to lose around 5-8 kg and keep it off, plus improve my fitness and shape.
Anyway after a lovely interruption from my brother skyping me, I will end and promise to write again soon.
All my best wishes to everyone for 2010 and may your dreams become goals and then reality.