Our family at Christmas dinner.
Hello everyone, and finally a Happy New Year.
After many requests and now demands; Vesta is back online.
I have had the busiest and most fun and relaxed Christmas week. Ivan has been on holiday since December 23rd and is now completely relaxed. He has been working in the garden and we have started basic maintenance around the house. We have replaced curtain rails with new modern tracks and even replaced a set of older, ugly curtains. All small but quite impressive additions to the house.
Elizabeth has been working a lot of hours but managed 5 full days off over Christmas which was lovely. Matthew now nearly 16; had his first foray into working last week, with 2 full days helping pack school book packs for the news agency where Elizabeth works. They were so impressed with him that they gave him $2.50/hour above the minimum wage and tomorrow he ventures into the retail world by working with Elizabeth in the shop. Today we bought him black pants and a smart shirt to wear. Hopefully a photo will follow tomorrow.
Sarah has had a few play dates with friends, but has spent a lot of time with Ivan and I. We have enjoyed her company during her stint as an 'only child' for the first time. It has been an interesting change in family dynamic and quite enjoyable.
I have been busy with de-cluttering and tidying tasks. My book writing is at a bit of a standstill until the children return to school on the 27th and Ivan to work on the 28th of Jan. I have done some editing and have also been reading it out loud to the family as an evening serial. Three chapters a night. So far the response has been great.
I have signed up for 3 university courses, another writing one (this time the practical/grammar side of things), and 2 English courses - Gothic literature and Early Modern Literature covering authors like Shakespeare and Marlow. Should be both a challenge and fun. Elizabeth and I will enjoy a Wednesday together again, but this year it will mostly be the drive-in and out as we will only have 30 mins together for lunch between lectures. Luckily, no evening courses for me this year.
I have a few goals for 2010 rather than resolutions. The first is to finish editing book one of 'The Creators series' and to hopefully write book 2 and maybe book 3. I may submit it to a publisher but will probably self-publish and that way can sell a few copies to friends and family.
My second goal is to take better care of my health. I need to lose around 5-8 kg and keep it off, plus improve my fitness and shape.
Anyway after a lovely interruption from my brother skyping me, I will end and promise to write again soon.
All my best wishes to everyone for 2010 and may your dreams become goals and then reality.